Entry Form ONE DAY

Entry337 €

ONE DAY « Patronale Life Classic Spring Roads » :

CLASSIC                     On asphalt roads, 3% on very good dirt roads, in ball-arrow, with distance, a few notes without distance, 1 very easily traced colored IGN map 1/25,000, CH, +/- 13 regularity tests, 2 tests on private roads and an evening loop (2 regularity tests and time control sections).


On asphalt roads, 3% on very good dirt roads, in ball-arrow, with or without distance, with or without orientation, IGN colored maps 1/25,000, clock notes or written notes, +/- 13 regularity tests, 2 tests on private roads and an evening loop (2 regularity tests and second time control sections

Entry One Day
Extra room(s)
Additional meal(s)

Comments, questions ...

Your registration includes :

• Evening meal on Saturday March 22;
• Saturday evening arrival drink March 22;
• Compulsory insurance ;
• 1 set of road-books ;
• Timekeeping system – “Tripy” ;
• Live results via SPORTITY appli;
• 2 rally plates ;
• 2 sets of doors numbers ;
• Trophies.

To pay